CoClick requires you to create API Keys from the developer console before being able to authenticate.
Please note that APi Keys are created company-wide but are only visible to administrator users.
Obtain a Bearer Token
In order to obtain a Bearer Token, you must provide the Secret ID and Secret Key provided when you created your APi Key in the console.
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "secret_id": "e89...b3a", "secret_key": "d49...f92" }'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjb21wYW55IjoxLCJleHAiOjE2NTY1OTU0MTR9.C9vzT4jSR6QyZiVNlqs5P65Mvc_rdSn9ElIqpIL8eL8",
"expires_at": "2022-06-30T15:23:34.752+02:00",
"company": "MyCompany"
Once you have obtained your Bearer Token, you can use it for each of the other requests using the the following header:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Get all meetings
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "bcc18d36d0ba07c00639c48421411f33a7b35c0aa41958dd6964a33892a735b1",
"user": "[email protected]",
"status": "scheduled",
"starts_at": "2021-10-27T17:10:36.000+02:00"
"id": "c3d9f69827eef8a25eedc920f1950a0ab9b3f6c9a0bfdca1111dff277a2d7694",
"user": "[email protected]",
"status": "scheduled",
"starts_at": "2021-10-30T14:29:33.000+02:00"
The meeting resource represent the an appointment between a presenter and a prospect, each item contains data related to the meeting. The request support filtering and pagination. Filtering is done via Url parameters, pagination using HTTP Headers (X-Page and X-Per).
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Default | Type | Description |
q | N/A | Object | A parameter url to filter, by example to filter on meeting of a specific user by email: |
X-Page | 1 | Integer | Page number. |
X-Per | 20 | Integer | Page size. |
Returned values
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of a meeting (exposed as short version in the console). |
user | String | email adress of the meeting owner. |
status | Enum | Meeting status. Possible values are : scheduled, in_progress, closed, cancelled. |
starts_at | Date | Starting date of a meeting.. |
Get a specific Meeting
curl "<token>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"token": "c3d9f69827eef8a25eedc920f1950a0ab9b3f6c9a0bfdca1111dff277a2d7694",
"status": "scheduled",
"starts_at": "2021-10-30T14:29:33.000+02:00",
"duration": null,
"cobrowsing_url": "",
"cobrowsing_cookies_data": [],
"user": "[email protected]",
"custom_data": {
"user_id": 17,
"username": "Phil"
"presenter_waiting_room_iframe_url": null,
"prospect_waiting_room_iframe_url": null,
"prospect_room_url": "",
"presenter_room_url": ""
This endpoint retrieves a specific meeting.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | The id of the meeting to retrieve |
Returned values
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of a meeting (exposed as short version in the console). |
user | String | email adress of the meeting owner. |
status | Enum | Meeting status. Possible values are : scheduled, in_progress, closed, cancelled. |
starts_at | Date | Starting date of a meeting.. |
cobrowsing_url | String | Destination URL of the website that will be shared in the cobrowsing session. |
cobrowsing_cookies_data | Array | Cookies used by the cobrowsing session. This is usefull if you want to have your cobrowsing session to already have a client context directly in it. It has to follow this JSON Schema: { |
custom_data | Object | Free data that you can use to associate Meetings with your own application. |
presenter_waiting_room_iframe_url | String | URL of the Iframe for the presenter waiting room. example: |
prospect_waiting_room_iframe_url | String | URL of the Iframe for the prospect waiting room. example: |
prospect_room_url | String | URL of the prospect meeting room. It allow your prospect to join the meeting. This URL is public. Note: The prospect cannot join the room until the presenter started the meeting. |
presenter_room_url | String | URL of the the presenter meeting room. The presenter needs to be logged in to access this URL. |
Create a Meeting
curl "<token>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
The content of the request JSON body is structured like this:
"starts_at": "2021-10-30T14:29:33.000+02:00",
"cobrowsing_url": "",
"cobrowsing_cookies_data": [],
"user": "[email protected]",
"custom_data": {
"user_id": 17,
"username": "Phil"
"presenter_waiting_room_iframe_url": null,
"prospect_waiting_room_iframe_url": null,
"prospect_room_url": "",
"presenter_room_url": ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"token": "c3d9f69827eef8a25eedc920f1950a0ab9b3f6c9a0bfdca1111dff277a2d7694",
"status": "scheduled",
"starts_at": "2021-10-30T14:29:33.000+02:00",
"duration": null,
"cobrowsing_url": "",
"cobrowsing_cookies_data": [],
"user": "[email protected]",
"custom_data": {
"user_id": 17,
"username": "Phil"
"presenter_waiting_room_iframe_url": null,
"prospect_waiting_room_iframe_url": null,
"prospect_room_url": "",
"presenter_room_url": ""
In case of error the above command returns JSON structured like this:
"token": null,
"status": "scheduled",
"starts_at": null,
"duration": null,
"cobrowsing_url": null,
"cobrowsing_cookies_data": [],
"user": null,
"custom_data": null,
"presenter_waiting_room_iframe_url": null,
"prospect_waiting_room_iframe_url": null,
"prospect_room_url": null,
"presenter_room_url": null,
"errors": {
"user": [
"User must exist"
"starts_at": [
"please specify a start date"
"cobrowsing_url": [
"Please specify a cobrowsing URL",
"Cobrowsing URL is not valid"
This endpoint creates a specific meeting.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Type | Optionnal | Description |
user | String | false | email adress of the meeting owner. |
starts_at | Date | false | Starting date of a meeting.. |
cobrowsing_url | String | false | Destination URL of the website that will be shared in the cobrowsing session. |
cobrowsing_cookies_data | Array | true | Cookies used by the cobrowsing session. This is usefull if you want to have your cobrowsing session to already have a client context directly in it. It has to follow this JSON Schema: { |
custom_data | Object | true | Free data that you can use to associate Meetings with your own application. |
presenter_waiting_room_iframe_url | String | true | URL of the Iframe for the presenter waiting room. example: |
prospect_waiting_room_iframe_url | String | true | URL of the Iframe for the prospect waiting room. example: |
Returned values
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of a meeting (exposed as short version in the console). |
user | String | email adress of the meeting owner. |
status | Enum | Meeting status. Possible values are : scheduled, in_progress, closed, cancelled. |
starts_at | Date | Starting date of a meeting.. |
cobrowsing_url | String | Destination URL of the website that will be shared in the cobrowsing session. |
cobrowsing_cookies_data | Array | Cookies used by the cobrowsing session. This is usefull if you want to have your cobrowsing session to already have a client context directly in it. It has to follow this JSON Schema: { |
custom_data | Object | Free data that you can use to associate Meetings with your own application. |
presenter_waiting_room_iframe_url | String | URL of the Iframe for the presenter waiting room. example: |
prospect_waiting_room_iframe_url | String | URL of the Iframe for the prospect waiting room. example: |
prospect_room_url | String | URL of the prospect meeting room. It allow your prospect to join the meeting. This URL is public. Note: The prospect cannot join the room until the presenter started the meeting. |
presenter_room_url | String | URL of the the presenter meeting room. The presenter needs to be logged in to access this URL. |
The Coclick API uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request -- Your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong. |
404 | Not Found -- The specified coclick could not be found. |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |